Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Colon Cancer: A Cruel Health Condition

We all are aware of the dangerous disease called cancer. This deadly disease can occur to anybody at any time. It is actually a group of more than a hundred different diseases. By affecting the body's main unit cell, it can spread to any area of the body and thus can make people suffer a lot.
When it comes to colon cancer, like other body organs, the colon and rectum are also made up of various types of cells. According to the need of the body, the cells divide to produce more number of cells that helps to maintain a good health. However, when the cells keep dividing even when there is no bodily need, a mass of tissues grows. This group of added tissues is known as a growth or tumor and can be benign or malignant.
Benign tumors are not actually cancer and can be easily get rid of. Mostly, these types of tumors don't come back after treatment. In a way, they are little safe, as benign tumors do not spread to other body parts and can be treated easily.
Now, the question is that if benign tumors are not cancer then what kinds of tumors are called cancer. Malignant tumors are actually cancer. When this tumor occurs, it can invade and damage the tissues and organs around it. The most dangerous part of this tumor is that cancer cells can break away from the tumor and can enter into the blood steam or lymphatic system. Thus, it gets spread from the original tumor to form new tumors in the other body parts. In medical term, this process of spreading of cancer from part to another part of the body is known as metastasis. For instance: when colon cancer spreads to the liver, then the cancer cells in the liver are called as colon cancer cells and the disease is called metastatic colon cancer but not liver cancer.
Colon cancer is also known as colorectal cancer which is mostly arises from adenomatous polyps-clusters of abnormal cells in the glands covering the inner wall of the colon. With time, these abnormal growths expand and eventually degenerate to become adenocarcinomas.
People with adenomatous polyposis syndromes usually have a greater risk of suffering from this type of cancer. It is seemed that colon cancer usually occurs to people before the age 40. Apart from that, the factors that may increase the risk of developing colon cancer include: poor diet, obesity, smoking, drugs etc. Regarding diet, it is said that a diet with high-fiber and low-fat could help in preventing colon cancer. According to some research, exercise and a healthy diet including fresh fruits and vegetables is very beneficial in this regard.
Though the symptoms of this type of cancer can't be indicated properly, yet there are certain general symptoms that can be seen during colorectal cancer. Such as: fatigue, weakness, difficulty in breathing, changed bowel habits, narrow stools, diarrhea or constipation, blood stool, unusual loss of weight, pain in abdominal, cramps or bloating.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Grapes - Every Day Foods That Kill Cancer and Contribute to Health

What About Grapes?
Grapes have been farmed for about 8000 years, starting in the Middle East. Yeast, which is found on the skin of grapes, led to the production of wine, with the first wineries being dated to around 4000 BC. Purple grapes are native to North America in the wild, and were a staple in the diet of many Indian tribes.
Today, I think, many of us take grapes for granted, and they are often overlooked from a nutritional standpoint. Sure, most of us have heard about resveretrol, but I think there is often a disconnect between the nutrients scientists isolate in the lab, and the food that we put on our table.
Grapes are easy to come by today. They are in nearly every grocery store, market and convenience store across North America. In Eastern and Mediterranean regions grapes are a staple food, but in North American, people eat less fruits and vegetables and more grains and animal protein.
So what is it that makes a grape one of the foods worth adding to your diet?
  • Low Glycemic Index- Even though grapes taste sweet, they have a relatively low glycemic index. This means they provide the benefit of better blood sugar control. Science has proven that an increase consumption of grapes, and grape products such as juice, are associated with better insulin control, and lower insulin resistance.
  • Resveretrol- Resveretrol is a health buzzword today, and for good reason. It is a compound found in the skin of grapes. It is actually a natural fungicide that helps protect the grape. As is often the case with plants in nature, their protective compounds are the ones that offer us the most health benefits. In this case, grapes grown organically tend to have the most resveretrol, because they need to develop their own defenses. Resveretrol has been proven as an anti-fungal, antimicrobial, and anti bacterial. Even more exciting is resveretrol's ability to help cut off the blood supply to cancerous tumors. As an anti-cancer agent, resveretrol is at the top of the list.
  • Antioxidants- Grapes, and specifically the antioxidants in them, have been scientifically proven to reduce blood pressure, protect heart muscle, and increase stores of the master antioxidant glutathione which protects our cells from aging. These berries also have tannins and anthocyanins.. the same compounds which give green tea some of its healthful benefits.
At the end of the day, we eat food, not nutrients. If you want to add a healthy food with many health benefits, you can bypass the exotic fruits, and head right for the grapes. Adding them to a well balanced diet with an abundance of fruits and vegetables can help keep you healthier than ever.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Prostate Health: BHP, Cancer and Laparoscopic Prostatectomy

While no one knows for certain what causes benign prostatic hyperplasia several million men are treated by physicians for it every year. There are no known risk factors and no known thing that can increase or decrease the chances of getting it. BHP is enlargement of the prostate gland, and is believed to be caused by aging. The number of men who suffer from BHP rises steadily along with the average male life expectancy. Symptoms of BHP include weak urine stream and frequent urination. Some men may experience visible swelling of the prostate area. In any case, a doctor should be consulted for the corrected treatment and to rule out more severe diseases, such as cancer.
Cancer of the prostate is a life threatening disease with requires treatment as well as prostate cancer surgery. While prostate cancer can be treated successfully it's treated easiest in it's early stages. As the name suggests, the cancer begins in the prostate glad. Though some studies have pointed to high fat or over production of testosterone intake as potential causes of prostate cancer, there is no definite data to prove these theories. Prostate cancer is the third most terminal cancer to men of any age, and like BHP, the chances of being diagnosed with cancer of the prostate increase with age. Farmers and men who have been exposed to certain chemicals such as cadmium are at a higher risk for developing prostate cancer.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Creating Health and Curing Cancer Are Not the Same!

Hello and welcome, this is for those people who have discovered that they have cancer and have a determined desire to be cancer free and healthy. This will only appeal to a minority of cancer sufferers, those that want a deeper understanding and are willing to change. This article is related to 'The 5 Step Cancer Healing Process', this is the essential process that one needs to undergo, in order to be healthy and healed from cancer.
The majority of people, who have been shocked to have a diagnosis of cancer given to them, are understandably overwhelmed and distraught at this turn of events. What happens now, is that to escape from the pain of fear and uncertainty that is consuming their life, they seek to take actions, that is, to do something. This "I must do something" is vital to alleviate the depression that would be all consuming if nothing was done. The 'doing something' though has a terrible cost. Let me explain, doing something and taking actions, seems logically enough that you are doing them to beat cancer, survive cancer, get rid of the cancer, fight the cancer etc. You may think that the purpose of taking these actions is as above but usually the actions are taken to alleviate the uncertainty that you were plunged in to.
When you were in a state of shock following your diagnosis, your unconscious mind was flooded with the meanings, perceptions and beliefs that you held about 'Cancer' and I suspect the conclusion you had, is that Cancer kills, Cancer is a Death sentence etc. Now it is widely accepted in the media and socially that there is no cure for cancer, and you would not know, how to cure cancer or heal cancer, so you have a death sentence and no escape. This of course is extremely depressing and fearful, for you do not want to die. Because you do not have the information that would lead you to escape the death sentence, you are in a dilemma.
Stay with me here, for I am describing what goes on at different levels of the brain and though you may disagree with some of my words, I am describing the processes that occur, usually at the unconscious level, which you will be unaware of. The dilemma is that the brain can only process and make conclusions from the information that you have. What certainties is your brain presented with when you were diagnosed, 1. You have Cancer. 2. Cancer kills (etc). It is important to be blunt with you, because at the level of brain processing, it is computer like, totally unemotional, just data processing. So the only conclusion your brain makes and accepts, is that death will occur as a result of the diagnosis. The only variable is time. Do you remember saying to yourself "I am going to die", did you ask the doctor "How much time do I have?" The first conclusion or certainty that you recorded in your brain is that you will die. To accept this emotionally is depressing and the depression that would follow, would lead to an even more premature death than the cancer and far more painful.
So avoiding the overwhelming pain of the depression, is the reason that you take the actions, treatments, cures etc. You may feel that you are trying to survive cancer and though this is what the conscious objective may be, the unconscious will be aware of the original certainties and conclusion and so your body will conform to this. Which means, that the actions will have the affect of alleviating depression, pain and mental anguish, and not returning to health, being cancer free etc.
That is why there is a plethora of cures (they probably all work some of the time, placebos work), everyone (most) is looking for a cure, everyone is looking for certainty, everyone is basing these searches on the original beliefs that cancer kills and is a deadly disease. Cancer is not a deadly disease, cancer is a symptom, cancer is the body's response to all the information that is relevant at the particular time.
What is cancer? is explored in 'The 5 Step Cancer Healing Process'. The human body can be seen as an information transfer machine. By this I mean that information (data) is the governing principle. You are exactly as you are now, purely because you are the sum of all the information that pertains to you. You, your life expression, your state of health and this thing called cancer, is the result or if you like, the perfect harmonization of all that information. There is nothing wrong, there is no malfunction, there is only resonance with information. Stay with me, it may sound weird and metaphysical etc but hang in there.
The totality of You includes the state of health that you are in, this thing called cancer is in perfect harmony with the story of you (which is the totality of the information). The process is always perfect, that is, the result always equals the (totality of) information.
If you want a different result, health for instance, then you need to transform the information. Information arranges itself into patterns. It is the patterns or schemas that create results, as information is neutral/static and patterns have force and movement, they are like instructions, they produce effects. The state of affairs that you label cancer, is a result of patterns, change the patterns and you get a different result, change the patterns to ones that result in health and that is what you will get as a result.
So what information patterns create health, this is of vitally importance, for you cannot cure cancer, you can only create health or create ill health. When you have created health, then naturally you will not have cancer. If you have the purpose of curing your cancer, then: -
  • You will manifest resistance, for you are trying to be in disharmony with the existing information patterns.
  • You believe the cancer is the cause and not a symptom. Therefore the cause remains unchanged and still present.
  • You are divorced and ignorant of your cancer. The cancer cells are your cells responding perfectly to the information pattern. As they are your cells they partly make up the totality that is you.
  • You are attacking a part of yourself when you attack the cancer.
  • You can only create, you are not creating anything when you attempt to cure cancer, you are simply fighting shadows.
You may say 'that when I cure cancer, then I will be healthy' this seems logical but the body's self healing system is the only system that can heal you. This is a totally unconscious process and at this deep level, curing cancer simply does not compute, for how can it cure something that is already operating perfectly, there is nothing to cure. It will simply keep the status quo; there is nothing new to create.
Back to - what information patterns create health;-
  • Most importantly, there has to be a reason for changing patterns, you may say that "I don't want to die", sometimes this can create enough impetus to change but usually it does not create a reason to change patterns and be healthy, because it is only stating the status quo, you also didn't want to die before you knew you had cancer. It doesn't necessarily lead anywhere. Are you happy to have a poor quality of life, ill health and pain etc, as long as you don't die?
So what reason have you to be healthy? Are you surprised by your response or lack of response, to this question? So create a reason, a massive one, one that compels and motivates you, one that forces you to break out of that cocoon that is surrounding you. Discover a reason and a purpose for living and living Well! And then decide to go for it! 100%.
  • Healthy mind, emotions, beliefs, thoughts and attitude. This is a biggie, you have to get rid of your emotional baggage, your self destructive thoughts, emotional stress etc. This is an absolute essential component and where the majority of information needs to be transformed. 'The 5 Step Cancer Healing Process' on my website explores in depth this area.
  • Healthy fresh organic food, the more man has interfered with it, the more carcinogenic information in the form of toxins there is.
  • Unpolluted environment.
  • Minimal stress in daily living.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Health Benefits Of Blueberries For Fighting Cancer

A report from researchers out of Southern California's City of Hope a leading cancer research center, suggests the health benefits of blueberries in powder form might encourage the shrinkage of one of the more aggressive forms of cancer, triple negative breast cancer. This form of disease includes about 10-20% of all breast cancers and is defined when the cancer is not supported by hormones such as estrogen and progesterone, nor by the presence of higher numbers HER2 receptors. As you might imagine, there's intense interest in coming up with medications that can treat this form of deadly disease.
While anyone can get triple negative breast cancer, it tends to affect younger people (before age 40-50), African American or Hispanic women and those with the BRAC1 mutation.
Most often this type of breast cancer is treated with surgery, chemo and/or radiation. Depending on the cancer stage and grade, your healthcare team will advise you on the best course of treatment. Of course, it's always smart to be your own advocate, and stay informed on your disease and the latest research.
The team searched for fruits that would be able to suppress the growth and migration of cells associated with triple negative breast cancer.
The team fed two groups of mice special diets that had 5% blueberry powder, 10% blueberry powder or a control diet. All the diets had a similar composition of nutrients, and the mice ate and drank about the same amounts, regardless of what diet group they were in.
The human equal of the 5% blueberry powder intake of the mice is about 2 cups of fresh blueberries.
The team saw that the 5% level showed the best results, cutting tumor size from 60% to 75%, suggesting to experts that there's a maximum amount of blueberries you need to consume to help bring down the size of these aggressive cancer tumors and keep this cancer from spreading throughout the body. This amount was not toxic to the mice or had enough calories to bring on weight gain or any other ill effect.
The researchers also conducted molecule studies on the tumors of the mice and saw significant differences between the blueberry eating mice and the control groups. There were genetic patterns known to be tied to inflammatory disease, and a proliferation and spread of the dangerous cancer cells.
No one knows just how blueberries work against this aggressive form of cancer. A likely candidate is the phytochemicals that are known to halt cancer spreading to other organs. The team hopes to evaluate the findings in people. Funding and the proper population to study are still to be decided. There's still no recommendation for how many blueberries women should eat each day.
Even though the study results come from work on lab animals, and therefore can't be directly applied to humans, there is still much value to such work. Mice are, after all, remarkably similar genetically to humans. Add to that the ability to control their environment, and their fairly short life cycles and you can see why these small animals are of such immense value to science.
Experts suggest that despite the health benefits of blueberries, you don't pick one food, and eat it constantly - no matter how good it is for you. The best strategy is to eat a mixture of fruits and veggies to get the optimum benefits to health.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Canine Dog Health - Cancer

Cancer has become a bigger problem when talking about canine dog health. It was not such a huge issue fifty years ago, though it has become huge now. One of the reasons for this might be that people did not take their dogs to the vet as often as we do now. Another reason might be that the health of our pets was not all that bad fifty years ago.
For the sake of argument let's assume that the last statement is true. What has changed in the last few decades in regards to our pets. They drink the same types of water, they sleep in the same kinds of places, do some of the same things that they have always done, and eat the same food. Wait! They don't eat the same kind of food. Years ago our pets were eating table scraps. We were not going out and buying them a bag of food just for them. Then media, and other sources, convinced us that table scrapes were bad for our dogs so we started buying dog food.
Now, I am not saying that dog food is entirely to blame, but it might be a contributing factor into the worsening conditions of canine dog health recently. Dogs are more likely to get cancer than humans are now days, and I happen to be one person that does not think that this is fair or right. I doubt I am the only one.
For those of you that have had a terrifying visit to the vet and found out that the canine dog health of your pet includes some kind of cancer, I know that you do not think it is fair either. Cancer is something that viciously attacks the patient no matter what species they happen to be. It can be just as devastating to learn that your dog has cancer as it is to learn that someone you love has it. People are funny about their pets and more often feel just as strongly about them as they do the rest of the family; if not more so.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Juicing for Cancer - How to Restore Health and Vitality the Natural Way

A cancer diagnosis is certainly serious, but by no means should it be considered a death sentence. Cancer is usually an indication that the immune system is run down and unable to combat the unregulated cell division of cancerous cells. And, as most people are aware, the immune system needs proper support, both from a nutritional and lifestyle perspective, to function as it should.
Many people today are realizing that there is a better alternative than going through expensive, debilitating chemotherapy, which not only works to kill the cancerous cells, but the rest of your cells as well. This alternative is juicing, and juicing for cancer has successfully cured many people who have stuck with a rigorous juicing regimen while also supporting their immune system through restful sleep, a diet free of processed foods, stress reduction methods, and proper exercise.
Fresh, raw fruits and vegetables contain a plethora of essential nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, enzymes, anti-oxidants, and phytonutrients. These nutrients help to nourish the immune system and have a wide range of benefits even beyond inhibiting cancer cell formation and proliferation. Phytonutrients in particular are an emerging area of research and many compounds have been identified that have profound anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.
Lycopene, for example, is an anti-oxidant found in tomatoes that has beneficial effects on the cardiovascular system in addition to suppressing tumor cell growth and proliferation. The phytonutrients lutein and zeathanin have been shown to fight cataracts and macular degeneration, and a well-known cancer drug called Taxol (also known as paclitaxel) is extracted and purified from the Pacific yew tree. In fact, many of the most common drugs used today are derived from compounds found in nature (although nature's medicine is usually preferable because of the synergy of other nutrients and limited or no side effects).
If you are looking to juicing as a way to cure cancer, it is important to focus your juicing regimen on those fruits and vegetables with the most potent anti-cancer properties to ensure that you attack the disease quickly and get the most bang for your buck. It is also critical, whenever possible, to juice the freshest produce you have access to, and to get it organic whenever possible, as these will have the highest nutrient density (not to mention taste better). If you don't have access to an organic garden, a local farmer's market or CSA program are excellent options for sourcing your produce.
With that said, let's look at three of the most potent groups of anti-cancer fruits and vegetables. You will want to base your juices on these groups for optimal cancer-fighting results. Note that not all of the fruits and veggies in each group are listed; feel free to do some research on your own to find other options.
Cruciferous Vegetables
These vegetables are high in cancer-fighting nutrients like vitamin C and selenium, but more importantly contain a group of compounds called isothiocyanates, which directly block the carcinogenic effects of free radicals and thereby inhibit tumor growth and development. Sulforaphane and diindolylmethane are other notable anti-cancer phytonutrients in cruciferous vegetables.
Brussels Sprouts
Collard Greens
Bok Choy
Beta Carotene
Beta carotene is a reddish-orange pigment found in red, orange, yellow, and deep green vegetables, as well as some fruits. Studies have shown that beta carotene in whole foods (not supplements) reduces the risk of cancer and actively fights cancer.
Peppers (especially the red, orange, and yellow variety)
Collard Greens
Romaine Lettuce
Flavonoids are a class of plant pigments, quercetin and catechins being examples, with a variety of important sub-classes. The two most notable are the flavanols and the proanthocyanidins. These compounds inhibit cancer through their powerful free radical scavenging abilities and have also shown beneficial cardiovascular effects.
Onions (especially red)
Brussels Sprouts
Citrus fruits
Green Tea
Grapes (purple)
Blackberries (and other dark berries)
As you can see, there are many fruits and vegetables to choose from when formulating your anti-cancer juicing recipes. It would be ideal to combine produce from each class together in your juice recipes in order to reap the full spectrum of anti-cancer benefits, but not necessarily on a daily basis. You may have also noted that some of the vegetables fall in multiple categories!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Parabens: The Link to Breast Cancer and Other Health Issues

Personal hygiene items - we all use them, but could they be harmful to our bodies? What could be "dangerous" about deodorant, you ask? Is there really any danger to our breast health in using other personal care products and cosmetics with certain questionable ingredients?
Lurking in personal hygiene products, such as deodorants, body lotions, facial creams, soaps, cleansers and body sprays are chemical preservatives called parabens. These preservatives help keep products fresh by preventing bacterial growth and also help to increase the shelf life of products. Some products can stay good for years with these potent chemical preservatives - but at what cost?
The problem with this particular kind of preservative is that it a chemical that may be putting people at risk for health problems, as it has been linked to breast cancer as well as other types of cancer. According to a recent study conducted by an oncology expert at the University of Reading, tumors have been linked to this chemical preservative.
Tumors that were examined actually contained the different types of parabens that are commonly found in our body care products. Some of these parabens were methylparaben, ethylparaben, propylparaben, isobutylparaben, butylparaben and benzylparaben. You can easily spot them on ingredient labels as they always end in the word "paraben".
Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women; could it be that preservatives are doing more harm than good? Can using these products really be dangerous for us? The jury is still out in regards to whether these chemicals can truly be considered a product that would put people at risk for health problems, by leading to cancer.
Every day women are diagnosed with breast cancer and it seems that this chemical preservative may put women in danger by leading to a higher risk of cancer. Lab studies on rats, mice, and human cells have indicated that parabens mimic women's estrogen activity.
Increased estrogen activity is known to put one at greater risk for breast cancer. It seems that if there is even a remote possibility that these chemically engineered preservatives may result or put one at a higher risk for cancer, than other alternatives should be sought out.
In addition to the potential of these chemically engineered preservatives being harmful to women, these synthetic preservatives are also known to cause allergic reactions in individuals. People may suffer from skin rashes and irritation all because of this synthetic preservative.
Skin is the largest organ in the body-what is put on topically is absorbed inside the body, and the use of products with parabens, means the use of chemically engineered preservatives. Paraben free products are becoming more widely available, and if paraben free products lessen the risk of cancer, than one should highly weight the potential risk of using a product with this unnatural preservative.
One should ask themselves, is it worth using these products? After all, there are healthier alternatives. Paraben free products often use a natural preservative - vitamin E. Vitamin E is a healthier, natural substitution for chemical preservatives, as it is an antioxidant that will help skin and hair appears smoother and cleaner.
Some individuals believe that the fact that personal care items with parabens are being considered a danger by some individuals to be pure foolishness; that is they believe that women are just being paranoid and making a big deal over nothing. Is the risk of using products with synthetic preservatives worth a possibility of an increase for risk of breast cancer?
There is a growing selection of paraben free personal care items, which do not have chemicals considered to be potentially dangerous to those using them, so why would anyone choose to potentially put themselves in danger? Is the risk that parabens pose worth taking? Consider making a healthy decision by switching to natural, paraben free products.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

How Lycopene Affects Prostate Cancer And How This Substance Can Help Men To Get Healthy!

One of the newest forms of nutritional therapy introduced to the realm of medicine is paving the way to a new way to heal the body, which is shown with how Lycopene affects prostate cancer in men. This health condition occurs due to many factors, and appears in men as they age. This key ingredient is able to slow down the aging process within the body which may contribute to enhanced strength and resistance of cells of your endocrine and immune systems within the body. The consistent use of this alternative health substance may even influence the level of testosterone in the body, regulating the function of some of the glands of the body. You will greatly benefit from the properties of this strong antioxidant.
How Lycopene reduces Prostate Cancer
Are you looking for a way to manage your health? Lycopene reduces prostate cancer through its ability to affect cellular health through optimizing the function of many of the organ systems within the body. The medicinal properties associated with the use of this natural alternative health substance can be used to enhance the vitality of cells while enhancing the function of the cardiovascular, endocrine, and immune systems, which all regulate biological and chemical events that occur in your body. Not only this, but this ingredient can protect cells from the damage of free radicals and their byproducts when consumed on a daily basis.
How Lycopene affects Prostate Cancer
There's numerous health benefits associated with medicinal use of this ingredient. Lycopene reduces prostate cancer through targeting the affected cells, and inhibiting their growth, while supporting the growth of healthy cells in your body. This greatly influences the ratio of cancerous cells to healthy cells when it counts most. Scientists have concluded that imbalances in the body can lead to cancerous conditions within the body on many levels. The potent anti-oxidizing effects slowly work to reverse the effects of aging and oxidation in your body to promote strength and cellular resilience. It can also balance the levels of hormones and other necessary chemicals in the blood stream.
Clinical analysis regarding Lycopene reduces Prostate Cancer
Scientific studies have proven that continual use of Lycopene affects prostate cancer and even influences the amount of testosterone and androgens in the body which affect the outcome of cancerous conditions in the body. This alternative health substance replenishes all parts of the body with necessary oxygen and nutrients due to how it enhances the function of the cardiovascular system. You may be more protected from weakness in the body when you use this antioxidant because it also strengthens your immune system, which regulates all other organs and organ systems of the body.
Our tips on getting the most from how Lycopene reduces Prostate Cancer
If you're considering using a natural substance to meet your health and anti-aging needs, this substance has it all. Lycopene affects prostate cancer in the most efficient ways, and its healing powers are maximized when you combine it with the use of other natural vitamins, minerals, and ingredients for whole body health and stamina. The use of this powerful herbal extract that is naturally occurring in the body and a diet full of fruits and vegetables proves to be one of the best preventative measures when considering illness and cancerous conditions of the body.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Why The Alkaline Diet And Cancer Is An Ideal Solution

As a result of the epidemic of cancer that has broken out in recent years, there have been great strides made in where cancer originated, how it grows in the body and how effective alkaline diet and cancer regime has become. The definition of cancer allows the patient to have some control in the prevention and battle of cancer cells. By sticking to a primarily alkaline diet, this reduces, and actually quenches, the production of cancer and other diseases. Because of this, an alkaline diet has been found to prevent disease, while an acidic diet encourages disease and cancer to grow.
When you take the definition of cancer simply, it is 'a malformed cell.' This malformed cell can only reproduce malformed cells, and since the human body reproduces tens of thousands of cells daily, the answer is to stop that reproduction. The best defense then is a good offense, and that is what an alkaline diet does as it feeds the good cells, while choking out the disease.
The foods that are taken into the body typically come from two categories - foods that produce an acidic environment and foods that produce an alkaline environment. If you are taking a large quantity of medicines, this might cause your system to lean more towards the acidic, but it can be counteracted by consuming more alkaline-producing foods.
An alkaline diet is generally made up of alkaline-producing foods, so that the pH level is brought to a level of around 7.4. If you search online there are alkaline/acidic charts of all the foods. If you are just beginning this diet, make a copy of the chart and carry it with you when you shop or go out to eat. In general, stay away from processed foods, fast foods fried in trans fat, any food made with white sugar or white flour, and all foods with chemicals and steroids. These foods all feed cancer cells. If this is what your diet is made up of, check the alkaline food list and see what to be eating now.
Foods on that are alkaline-producing are vegetables, seeds, most fruits, brown rice and other grains, and fish. These foods can be mixed and matched to your own preference for at least 80% of your total diet, and then you add 20% of the acidic-producing foods, and the acidic foods are not all "bad". Foods on the acidic side are whole grain breads, lean meats, milk and milk products, butter and eggs, and this adds up to make an 100% alkaline diet.
To monitor your pH level once you have gotten started on an alkaline diet and cancer fighting way of eating, check any health food store for pH strips or litmus paper. There will be a color chart included to use and determine what your pH blood level is. For an alkaline system, it should register between 7.2 - 7.8. No two people are alike, so test your pH level about once a day as you get started. Then continue to check once a week. If you need to raise your pH level, eat more alkaline foods and use green supplements. An alkaline diet will prevent disease naturally.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Cell Phones and Brain Cancer: Is There a Link?

With the recent announcement by WHO (world health organisation) about the potential dangers of cell phone radiation, we are all naturally concerned, especially those of us who use cell phones regularly and/or who have kids with cell phones. What is safe, we wonder, in terms of use, cell phone type and exposure? Are some cell phones safer than others, and are there ways in which we can limit the dangers by changing our usage patterns?
While the answers are still coming in, there are things we can do to help protect ourselves. These tips come from a variety of sources, including a brain scientist who has recovered from brain cancer (Dr. David Servan-Schreiber - if you have not yet read his book, Anticancer, A New Way of Life go get it! It's an excellent read for anyone wishing to prevent cancer, or already dealing with the health challenges cancer presents). Simultaneously, we are all terrified of cancer but somehow in denial that it will ever touch us personally. It's time we look clearly at the rampart cancer rates of the last decade and take as many steps as we can personally to protect our health.
When it comes to this health issue, we are all exposed to radiation in varying degrees, even those of us who do not have a cell phone. In North America, unless you live in the remote wilds and are completely off the grid, you're likely affected, even if from cell towers and criss-crossing signals in the air. Experts are telling us that cordless phones pose similar risks, and it s only as more studies come to completion that the alarming statistics are becoming available. Nonetheless, mobile phones and smart phones are here to stay, so let's do what we can given that reality.
For one thing, most mobile phone manufacturers now offer a protection rating on their phones, as consumers become increasingly aware and concerned. Ask your provider about your specific phone and be sure to check the rating of any phone you buy. Other tips include using a headset rather than putting the phone directly to your ear when talking, and leaving the phone away from your wear until someone answers; according to experts the signal is stronger when the phone is ringing, before it connects. The signal is also stronger when you are between cell towers, so if the connection is bad hang up and try later when it's safer. For children and teens with developing brains, limit cell phone use and if anything, encourage texting over speaking (who ever thought anyone would say that?).

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Can An Organic Raw Foods Diet Help Prevent Cancer and Heart Diseases?

There are a number of instances where an organic raw food diet has not only prevented, but has also cured, many of the common diseases that plague "modern" society. To prove this, two testimonies of people who have found great health through an organic raw food diet are given below.

Before we go any further, be warned! To get the most out of this diet, it must be accompanied with a whole new lifestyle.

The problem is, for many years we have been told meat and dairy products are essential for daily protein and vitamin B12 food requirements, that without them we would be malnourished, that drinking cow's milk gives us the calcium we need to prevent bone and teeth degeneration, and that we must cook foods to get the greatest benefits from them.

Another big problem is much of what is put in processed foods has proven to be cancer enhancing. For example, the hormones that are put in livestock to make them grow faster have been known for years to cause cancer. The additives and preservatives that are placed in foods are causing many health problems-especially in children and the elderly. Fishing places and reservoirs for drinking water are being polluted from insecticides, herbicides and pesticides from commercialized, agricultural farm lands' drain-offs. Doesn't it stand to reason that if these products kill insects, weeds and other pests, they are most likely harmful to our overall health? To add insult to injury, drinking water is further polluted by putting deadly poisons like chlorine and fluorine in it. Some will say that these are measured in parts-per-million. They imply from this that such small amounts will not hurt us. In fact, they tell us fluorine prevents tooth decay. The question is, "How do you like your poison: by parts-per-million or by the gallon?" Do you want to die slowly over time or fast by the second? Do you want to destroy your health by the year or by the minute?

It turns out that much of what we are told concerning good health maintenance are "old myths" that have no sure foundation. More and more people are discovering that going back to God's original diet of raw organic fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, herbs, and spices is much more healthy. They call this "going back to the garden" as recorded in Genesis 1:29. These people are ahead of their time. They have chosen "to take charge of their own health." They not only talk the talk, they also walk the walk. They are living examples of what they "preach." Thankfully, their number is growing by the day.

To see what I mean, here are two examples, out of many, of people being cured of cancer by following the ten commandments of ultimate health. The first one is about a Baptist pastor who had colon cancer in his 40′s. He is now in his 70′s. No cancer for all these years. (To see his story go to his link at the bottom of this page.) For the next testimony, learn of a medical doctor who taught other doctors how to practice medicine. She developed a large cancer between her two breasts. Very painful! After trying a number of alternative medicines-because she did not trust the medical practice's treatments for cancer-she came upon a cure for her cancer and in the process discovered the ten commandments for ultimate health. (To see her story go to her link at the bottom of this page.) You can Google up many stories just like these from people who are living examples of what happens when you leave the S.A.D. (Sad American Diet) and follow God's ten commandments for good health.

Here are the ten commandments to good health that demand a big change in the way diseases are approached:

1. Develop a loving, personal relationship with the true and living Lord God of Glory. This starts with a new life through the Lord Jesus Christ as outlined in the Christian's New Testament Bible. In simple language, this means turning away from rebellion against God and accepting the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior.

2. Change your diet to all raw organic fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, spices, and herbs. Do this in stages. Remove one thing and add in its place from the above list of foods. As you do this your body will detoxify itself and go back to good health.

3. Get at least 8 hours sleep every night. You are on a day-night cycle. It is best to get in bed no later than 10 PM. Night shift people will need to adjust their day to keep this commandment.

4. Drink pure water. This should be steam-distilled water. You should drink at least 1 ounce of water for every 2 pounds of body weight.

5. Develop a loving relationship with everyone. Do not be resentful, unforgiving, fearful or practice any of the works of the flesh as listed in Galatians 5:19-21. Be kind to everyone. Practice the fruit of the Holy Spirit as found in Galatians 5:22, 23 in relationship to commandment 1. Do random deeds of kindness with no thought of being repaid.

6. Get some sunshine every day. This is needful for vitamin D production in your body and other helpful benefits.

7. Get outdoors in the fresh air in a place where there is green vegetation. Some place like a meadow, park or forest area would be ideal.

8. Get some exercise every day. Walking, cycling, or rebounding would be ideal. (You can do commandments 6-8 by walking in the park when the sun is out at least once a day.)

9. Get rid of all your body waste products. This should be on a regular basis. Do not allow your body waste to build up. This may mean a colon cleansing from time to time.

10. Develop a positive outlook toward life. Trust God to supply all your needs. Do not be "up-tight" over anything. Relax and enjoy your good physical, emotional and spiritual health. Tell others about your wonderful discovery by precept and example as much as you can.

By practicing these ten commandments to good health, you will restore your body, normalize your weight and strength, and develop a strong immune system that will keep you away from the doctor's waiting room.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Testicular Cancer and Men's Health

Cancers of the reproductive organs in men and women have the lowest early detection rates of most cancers. While testicular cancer symptoms present themselves in very obvious ways there is a certain gender centric difficulty in reporting symptoms and confirming diagnosis, particularly given the emotionally and psychosexual sensitivity of the region. Men simply do not want to acknowledge issues of health concern and it is a gender specific quality that has mortality rates climbing in certain types of cancers where early detection is critical. Being bashful to acknowledge a problem or health concern in the genital region can be fatal.

Testicular cancer symptoms appear on the onset as some significant abnormalities that should be easy to detect if the patient is forthcoming and observant to their own body and overall health. Testicular cancer symptoms can begin as tenderness or acute soreness in the lower back, unusual pain or swelling in the testicles or the presence of abnormally inflamed or discolored areas of skin, or growths around the area. The experience of sexual discomfort during erections, painful bleeding during urination and even the detection of blood in the ejaculate are all hallmark signs of testicular cancer symptoms.

While the same symptoms can be present in a case of prostate cancer as well, testicular cancer symptoms can only be confirmed by examination by a physician and testing. If a lump is found in the testicles a needle biopsy may be acquired to test the tissue of the tumor to detect if it is benign. CT scans and ultrasounds are also part of the identification of abnormal tumors or growths.

Attitudes toward male sexuality and healthcare are starting to change but a good degree of historical influence prohibits men behaviorally from seeking out medical advice at the early detection states of testicular cancer symptoms. Whether a matter of embarrassment or a personal issue with vulnerability the predisposition for men to delay in seeking treatment creates an environment where the risk of cancer metastasizing increases needlessly.

The treatments which commence after the confirmation of testicular cancer symptoms are typically non-invasive and may involve chemotherapy and radiological treatment in a topical area. In more severe cases a radical inguinal orchiectomy or surgical removal of the testes is required to prevent the spread of cancer into the nearby abdominal lymph nodes. In all cancer treatments prevention of the spread of cancer through the body is key to patient recovery, and preventing the spread into the lymphatic system is critical. As such radiological therapies may also be targeted at the abdominal region to prohibit the growth of cancer in the abdominal cavity and surround vital organs.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Recognizing Toxic Shock Syndrome and Blood Cancer

You might have heard of the diseases toxic shock syndrome and blood cancer but you are not fully aware of what these are. These are life-threatening disorders especially when not treated immediately. Here are some important information that you should know about these disorders.
Toxic shock syndrome or TSS is a fatal disease caused by bacterial toxins that circulate in the blood. This was first discovered in 1978 among young children. However, it only became known when an epidemic happened in 1981 among women who were using tampons. Caused by the Staphylococcus bacteria, there are also risk factors that can predispose a person to having toxic shock syndrome. These risk factors include childbirth, foreign bodies such as the packings used to stop nose bleeding, surgery, use of tampons, infection of wounds and using barrier contraceptives like vaginal sponge.
The signs and symptoms of toxic shock syndrome vary for each individual and the underlying cause of the disease. The most common manifestation of TSS is fever with the body temperature going as high as 38.9 0C. This is often accompanied by body weakness, confusion and decreased blood pressure. In some, there can be rashes similar to that of sunburn that can occur in all parts of the body even the mouth, palms, soles of the feet, the mouth and lips. Other signs and symptoms include nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, headache, sore throat, light-headedness and fainting.
Because toxic shock syndrome is a severe disease, a person who is suffering from this disorder should be brought to the hospital immediately and is usually admitted at the intensive care unit. Foreign materials that are believed to be the cause of TSS such as tampons and nasal packing should be removed immediately and drainage should be done to wound infections. Antibiotic therapy is necessary and it is usually done intravenously. Other treatment methods include aggressive fluid therapy, dialysis if there are kidney problems and oxygen therapy if there is breathing difficulty.
Meanwhile, blood cancer is a general term for malignancies that involve the lymphatic system, the bone marrow and the blood. The three types of blood cancer include leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma. Leukemia, the most common of the three is the condition when there are more white blood cells in the body which are actually abnormal cells. Lymphoma is the presence of tumors that are malignant in the lymphatic system. Lastly, myeloma refers to the malignancy of plasma cells, the cells which produce antibodies and are located in the bone marrow.
There are different signs and symptoms of blood cancers and these usually depend on the type of cancer. The most common ones are body weakness, easy fatigability and breathlessness. There can also be excessive bruising even for minimal injuries as well as excessive bleeding. Fever is often recurrent and during the night, there is profuse sweating. There is also nausea, vomiting and anorexia which lead to weight loss. Abdominal pain is also a common manifestation as well as confusion, headaches and decrease in urination.
The treatment of blood cancer is generally the same with other cancers - chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Bone marrow transplant can also be done if there is a compatible donor. While on these therapies, supportive care is also very important. You should make sure that a person who is suffering from blood cancer should have the care that he needs so that his optimum health is maintained. The treatment is a long-term process for it can take months to years so you should be patient.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Green Tea and Fighting Off Cancer

Green tea is awesome and it can fight off cancer. Cancer is a deadly ailment that does scare people because many people are unsure how it gets started and exactly how to stop it. One thing that many health professionals agree on is that cancer starts with a damaged cell. Then it sort of grows and once it reaches the blood stream it can travel to another part of someone's system and this is called metastasis. Where the cancer was first found is how it is named, for instance breast cancer or pancreas cancer.
Smoking tobacco causes 87% of all lung cancer as well as 30% of all cancer deaths. Yes that is a lot and it's one of the chief ways someone can get this disease. Another big risk factor is obesity. According to the American Cancer Society it is estimated that nearly 90 thousand deaths each year could have been saved from this ailment if more people in the United States were not overweight. Other factors that increase the risk for this disease is too much sun exposer, not enough sleep, too much processed foods, and other environment factors such as pollution and radiation.
This nutrient has been proven to give people a ton of healthy benefits. Consumption of tea can help someone lose weight, fight cavities, help with diabetes, skincare, acne, cholesterol, increasing someone's immune system and aging to name just a tiny few. Also drinking green tea may help with cancer because of its antioxidants and its ability to cut off a blood supply to cancerous cells.
What makes the antioxidants special in this substance over antioxidants in fruits and other sources is something called ECGC. ECGC is somewhat of a super antioxidant which is very potent can be very useful to someone. Countries that drink a lot of tea such as Japan have fewer cases of cancer than other countries. Another study showed that green tea can reduce the risk of breast cancer by three times. Also in another study rats were given a substance to create cancer and the ingredients in green tea where able to reduce colon cancer in the rats by as much as 50%.
Drinking green tea is a great idea and taking a green tea extract can really be helpful. If you're looking to enjoy the assistance of this nutrients benefits without actually drinking it than a supplement can come in handy. Shopping for supplements is probably about as fun as shopping for a chemistry set. So to make things easier our group has put together a free report that goes over the industry.